Membership Benefits

  • Access to Private NSA Group Site

    The Private NSA Group site is where club members check out the Private NSA Calendar and directions to club events, our message board, more photos, and a file sharing section.

  • Observing Sites

    NSA has special access to remote observing sites throughout Northern Illinois.  Members-only observing sessions are scheduled every weekend except the weekend nearest the full moon.  Solar observing sessions are scheduled several times a year .We also host Public Star Parties every year. Invitation to our Annual private Star Party at Wildcat Mountain in Wisconsin. See more info on the sites here.

  • Trips

    Trips to/Tours of various observatories or other astronomical institutions such as Yerkes or Northwestern's Dearborn Observatory.

  • Newsletter

    A free subscription to our monthly newsletter entitled “Celestial Log”,  containing information on upcoming events and articles written by club members.

  • Membership in National Organizations

    Membership in the Astronomical League with its associated benefits.

  • Club Discord

    Gain access to the club Discord channel for discussions on imaging, equipment, processing, and more. This is a wonderful resource to have to easily communicate to other club members or to get assistance on all things astronomy!

  • Premium Account to Astrospheric

    Lots of astronomers use the Astrospheric app to watch the cloud cover, especially for our club outings at observing sites. Members get premium accounts to astrospheric.